Kendama KCS Eye to Eye – Orange-Red / Orange-Rouge

Original price was: 25.95$.Current price is: 18.17$.

GLOW in the Dark !!
BRILLE dans le Noir !!

Out of stock


Standard Format with KCS approval
Eye to Eye Series (Eye on both sides of the tama “ball”) and it GLOWs in the Dark !!

Included in package:
– KCS sticker
– First 10 KYU tricks instruction sheet
– Spare string and bead

Format Standard certifié KCS
Série Oeil pour Oeil (Oeil des 2 cotés) et il BRILLE dans l’obscurité !!

Inclus dans l’emballage:
– Autocollant KCS
– Guide des 10 premiers trucs de KYU
– Corde et bille de rechange

Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Type de bois - Wood type